Thursday, March 21, 2013

God's Purposes in Little Hearts

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations. – Jeremiah 1:5

            I often forget that my children have been created by God with a plan for their lives. It sometimes seems difficult to know that they were created for eternity. I see their current state; their temper tantrums, or their whining over silly things. At these times, it is difficult for me to see them as God sees them.

            Throughout the Bible, we see that God uses a child to bring about his great plan. Isaac is the promised child given to Abraham and Sarah. Moses is the child who delivered from death, will grow up to lead God’s chosen people out of slavery in Egypt. Samuel is the answer to Hannah’s prayer for a child. Hannah gives her son to the Lord’s service. God speak to a young Samuel, giving him a prophecy and position as God’s priests. A young David is anointed the future king of Israel by Samuel. Jeremiah, and the other prophets, is born with a future mission to be God’s spokesperson. John is born to an elderly Elizabeth and Zechariah, and an angel promises that this child will be the promised Elijah, the forerunner of the Messiah. Jesus, born in humble circumstances, is the promised Messiah who brings salvation to the saints.

            I read these true stories, and I marvel at how God used these children for great things. But, I somehow forget that God is forming my own children with a purpose. Even now, the words I say to my children may be remembered for the rest of their lives. Even now, their minds are being formed by God, and the things I do and say have an influence on their future. I can remember things my parents said in my childhood that still affect me today. Yet, I can be careless with my words. I can react is anger or frustration, rather than calmly assessing a situation before responding. I am quicker to say, “Stop your whining” rather than “What is making you upset?”

            God told Jeremiah that before he was formed in the womb, that He had a purpose for Jeremiah’s life. I am sure the same is true for my children. God already knows what they will do in life. He knows if they will be obedient or disobedient to Him. He knows their influence on other people and other generations. He knows if my child will be an auto mechanic, or a ballerina, or a school teacher, or a banker. He knows how they will be used to advance the kingdom of God. And I am amazed that he has chosen me to help form these lives. Why me? How will my parenting be a positive or a negative influence on their development? What a responsibility. 

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